Op vrijdag 7 oktober nam Marlies Reijns afscheid als bestuurslid van de dystonie patienten vereniging. Zij is 12 jaar bestuurslid geweest en...
On Wednesday November 16th, Point for Parkinson’s was officially opened by Nienke Homan, deputy of the province of Groningen. This important...
Op donderdag 13 en vrijdag 14 oktober vond de cursus ‘Myoclonus and Other Jerky Movements’ plaats in het UMCG. Deze door Movement...
Last month, dr. Matej Skorvanek from the University Hospital of Kosice (Slovakia) was visiting our department. During his stay in Groningen he...
The Parkinson research of Movement Disorders Groningen was awarded with two research grants both worth € 40.000. With this money, two of...
Michiel Staal is bijna 35 jaar als neurochirurg werkzaam geweest in het UMCG.
Last week, more than 25 researchers from Groningen presented their work at the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement...
During the past days Dr Simon Little, neurologist in training and researcher at St-George's Hospital in London, has visited our DBS research...
In het themanummer 'Techniek' van HersenMagazine, het tijdschrift van de Hersenstichting, vertelt parkinsonpatiënte Thea over het...
Only three months after 'Point for Parkinson’s' (Dutch: Punt voor Parkinson) has openend its doors, the Parkinson’s expertise...
The Stofwissel Tour 2016 was a great success. This 3-day cycling event raised 120,000 euros for scientific research on metabolic diseases.
This weekend, Wieke Eggink, MD PhD-graduate in our department, has climbed the Mont Ventoux. She was part of the team 'Gaan voor Gerben'...
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