Anna Janzing

Anna Janzing

I started my MD/PhD trajectory in May 2023. The aim of my research is to improve the diagnosis of children with cerebral palsy. Children with cerebral palsy can suffer from spasticity (stiffness of the muscles), dyskinesia (involuntary movements or postures) or ataxia (problems in balance and coordination). The research consists of two parts. In part 1 we will focus on the genetic causes of cerebral palsy and their clinical recognition. In part 2 we focus on the agreement between doctors regarding the type of movement disorder. We will investigate whether the measurement of eye movements can be an objective method to determine the type of movement disorder. With this research, I hope to contribute to a more accurate diagnosis that will lead to the optimization of care for this patient group.

Besides the research, I am completing my Master's degree in Medicine and I am working at the Student Pool of the UMCG. In my spare time, I like to travel, play beachvolleyball, and run.