M. Fleuren

M. Fleuren

Marjo Fleuren studied physiotherapy at the HAN in Nijmegen. She also studied Human Movement Sciences at the University of Groningen. She then started working as a physiotherapist in the Rehabilitation Department of the UMCG in various clinical nursing departments.

Since 1999 she has been working at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the UMCG with patients with neurological disorders. In addition to many stroke patients, she also treats patients with movement disorders.
She also performs other duties.

She has followed various in-depth courses to refine her work. Patients with Parkinson's learn to keep moving and use their cues. She carries out physiotherapeutic diagnostics for patients with dystonia and provides advice for physiotherapeutic support for the patient in his or her living environment. Also patients with functional movement disorders are helped to get back in motion.

Her motto is 'focus on possibilities'