
Restarting DBS operations for Dystonia at the UMCG

Thankfully, capacity problems effecting the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the treatment of dystonia have been solved. 

Dystonia is a neurological condition that causes involuntary movement. When dystonia is serious, and more conventional medical procedures provide insufficient aid, patients can become candidates for DBS. DBS acts as a kind of 'pacemaker' for your brain.  During a DBS operation, neurosurgeons place two thin needles (electrodes) in the brain that emit a small electrical current to areas that regulate movement control.

Before the operation, patients undergo an in depth screening process, involving a broad team of medical staff.  At the UMCG this process has been refined by Prof. Dr. M.A.J. de Koning-Tijssen and her team to create a clearer profile of patients symptoms, and decide on the most viable candidates for DBS.  

After the operation, the electrodes are calibrated by a neurologist and a specially trained nurse to insure optimal functionality.  This process occurs over multiple visits to the hospital and requires a number of months to complete successfully. After the operation, patients remain permanently under the observation of the UMCG.  

DBS operations require highly specialized medical training, and due to a shortage in personnel, operations were forced to be temporarily suspended. Thankfully, the personnel shortages has been resolved and starting in Febuary, the DBS trajectory at the UMCG will begin anew.  This means patients already on the wait list for DBS will be scheduled for operations.  There is also additional room for new patients to become part of the screening program.  We are happy to announce that the UMCG can continue  improving the health and lives of its patients.