
Trembling versus shaking at a congress in Marseille

From May 9-13, the biannual European congress for Clinical Neurophysiology took place in Marseille. Movement Disorders Groningen was represented by Dr. Madelein van der Stouwe. 

She discussed how clinical neurophysiological techniques can help make the distinction between trembling (tremor) and shaking (myoconus). Disentangling the two is important, as the treatment for both of these movement disorders is different. Techniques that may be helpful include recordings from muscle electrodes (electromyography), movement sensors (accelerometry) and video. These techniques will be familiar to most people with movement disorders, and are also used in the NEMO study, in which many patients have participated. 

Madelein van der Stouwe's talk was part of a symposium about movement disorder. The two other speakers were prof. Francesca Morgante from London, and prof. Josep Valls-Sole from Barcelona. They spoke about the use of clinical neurophysiology in functional movement disorders and parkinsonism. The symposium was well attended: around 180 participants were present. The speakers received enthousiastic comments about their presentations in the days that followed.